The best bets in craps are all determined by the maths. House edge should be the biggest factor when choosing what outcome to bet on. Below we briefly outline the top bets in craps and why they hold that title.
Pass line bet
This is the bet with the lowest house edge of all, at just 1.41%. This means that for every £100 you wager on this bet. You will lose just £1.41 overall. Of course, this is a theoretical long-term calculation but it does make a compelling argument for the Pass line bet UFABET
Come bet
Just like the Pass line bet. The Come bet has an attractively low house edge of 1.41% and that’s a good enough reason to make this bet.

Don’t Pass bet
Considered ‘against the grain’ of the game. Few players make this bet but in truth, more of them should. It has an extremely low house edge – experts put it at between 1.36% and 1.4%.
Don’t Come bet
This bet shares the stats of the Don’t Pass bet and it is similarly attractive to astute players. With a low house edge of between 1.36% and 1.4%.
Odds bet
In theory, the odds bet has no house edge at all. Zero. Nada. Of course, there is a caveat – to make this bet. You will have had to make a Pass/Don’t Pass bet already and have been exposed to that house edge. Still, an appealing way to up the ante without having to put up with that pesky house edge!