39-year-old nurse quickly found out she had “liver cancer” because she didn’t ignore the 4 warning signs she encountered

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39-year-old nurse quickly found out she had “liver cancer” because she didn’t ignore the 4 warning signs she encountered

39-year-old nurse diagnosed with ‘liver cancer’ after noticing 4 major warning signs that many people often overlook

The Daily Express reported that Marissa Antonio, a nurse, developed a 19-centimeter lump when she was just 39 years old, while her child was just 19 months old. She decided to share her story to warn others about the warning signs of liver cancer, which led her to immediately go see a doctor.

39-year-old nurse

At first, Marissa thought the pain on her right side, severe fatigue, blood in her urine, and vomiting were due to work stress. But she learned the truth about her condition while working night shifts as a nurse.

Recounting her harrowing experience, she said, “My husband and I have been trying to conceive for almost five years, and our daughter was finally born, but I was too sick to take care of her.”

“It took me two years to feel good enough to do that. I’d like to thank my husband and father for stepping up to take care of our daughter when I couldn’t.”

Her incredible fight included shrinking her cancer by 90% through chemotherapy and eventually undergoing surgery in the สนใจสมัคร? คลิกที่นี่เพื่อเริ่มต้น United States.

However, Marissa faced an additional challenge when her liver cancer, known as hepatocellular carcinoma, returned, this time manifesting as a growth in her lungs.

Marissa, a courageous nurse who once fought the threat of cancer, beat it after her lungs collapsed and multiple tumors were removed, leading to her remarkable recovery after radiation therapy.

With a sense of personal triumph and deep faith, Marissa said, “I feel like God has put me here to be with these patients as they go through similar journeys.”

“My faith played a big role in my recovery and helped me through some tough times,” she added. “I hope it can be an inspiration to others.”

Marissa suspects her mother may have been infected with the hepatitis B virus, a major trigger for liver cancer.

While the UK’s National Health Service (NHS) warns that while symptoms of liver cancer may not always be obvious or discernible, there are important signs to look out for.

Signs of “Liver Cancer” that you should be aware of

  • Yellowing of the whites of the eyes or skin, which may not be obvious in people with brown or black skin (jaundice), may also occur, as may itching of the skin, dark-colored urine, and paler than usual stools.
  • Loss of appetite or weight loss without trying
  • Feeling tired or low on energy?
  • Feeling generally unwell or having flu-like symptoms
  • Lump on the right side of the abdomen
  • Feeling nauseous or vomiting
  • Pain in the upper right abdomen or right shoulder
  • Indigestion symptoms, such as feeling full very quickly when eating
  • Severe abdominal swelling not related to eating